Saturday, February 1, 2020

Eff You!

All of you gynoticians out there are seriously getting on my nerves. When you could be addressing real issues that need your attention such as health care, infrastructure, overhauling immigration, protecting the environment, global warming, the list goes on and on, you are venturing into territory where you have not been given permission to enter. Instead, you are drafting laws, some ridiculous, some downright invasive, in the interest of controlling women and their lady parts! We can manage our feminine anatomy, thank you very much. Keep this in mind, many of our problems with these parts come from you sticking your nose, and penises, into them. How about if you work on controlling your own parts instead. All I have to say is, get out, you have not been invited into this arena and you are not welcome here.


Sara Mae said...

Spot. ON.

Bellona of Avalon said...

Thank you for sharing the terrific graphic! I'd love to give credit but can't seem to find who created it.