Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Blessed Solstice

 Summer has arrived! Celebrate accordingly.

My New Favorite Word

My cousin Cory often shares new and interesting words with me. Sitooterie is the latest word and it is my current favorite. Join us in our crusade to abandon the far less interesting words such as patio, deck, porch, or lanai and refer to our outdoor socializing areas as sitooteries! Plus I enjoy the fact that there is a toot in the middle. If you ask me, the only appropriate place, aside from the bathroom, to toot is outdoors. And what better place to toot than your sitooterie!


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Tea. Outdoors. When It's Raining.

 It's a cool, rainy morning in the Pacific Northwest.