Monday, April 5, 2021

Good Morning, Monday

I must put away the bunnies and the eggs today. And get out in the yard to turn the compost and repair the container. But for now I am on hold with Waste Management. Because they continue to insist that I owe them money and have engaged a collections agency to annoy me. I had nineteen months of garbage and recycling service with them, I paid for nineteen months. But they are using nasty tactics and continue to bill me with late charges that are adding up. In other news, I was finally able to get into my King Features account, even though technically I have no account with them, and cancel the recurring charge. Two years ago I signed up for a one week free trial and they immediately charged me for a year-long subscription. Then they did it again a year ago. Bastards. Both times I was successful in removing the charge from my credit card, but it was still aggravating to have to do it. A big shout out of appreciation to Capital One Visa for being so prompt to remove these bogus charges when I contacted them with a complaint. I also need to call my dentist about the unfortunate incident involving trail mix and the likelihood that I will be needing another crown. Now to wait for the horrible Waste Management people to return my call. Not holding my breath. Though considering that this call involves the stench of garbage and shitty collections tactics, perhaps I should.

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