Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Tiny Print

It has been called to my attention that the print was too small to easily read this poem. Even though the presentation of the framed poem was lovely. So, thank you, and here is the poem in a much more reader-friendly form.

A Winter Solstice Dream

In these darkest days of winter
The solstice eve draws near
We contemplate all that has come to pass
Anticipate the upcoming new year
Evergreen and holly we invite inside
With their color and fragrance decorate
Reminders that spring will come once more
The seasons’ cycle we celebrate
When sleep steals away your worries and cares
On this longest and starry night
I wish for you slumber, restful and deep
Filled with dreams of comfort and light
I wish for you the waking-world courage
To live those dreams, precious and bold
I wish for you the warmth and love that returns

When given freely and wholly, tenfold

It's a mystery to me as to why there is a break between the last two lines of the poem. It's also a mystery as to why it did not copy/paste in the much prettier font as in the framed poem as well as in the document file where it is stored. A little mystery is fun, right?

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