Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Do Attempt This at Home!

I don't know about you, but I find it annoying and difficult to decorate a holiday tree when the only practical location is in a corner of the room. My solution was to head for the lumberyard and purchase a round wood table top and a piece of hardware called a lazy susan.

Using whatever means that makes the most sense to you, center the lazy susan on the wood. Because if you don't center it properly, things will be wonky. Concentricity is essential.

Gather your tools! Drill some holes! Make sure the screws are the proper length so as to not emerge on the other side. 

The lazy susan is conveniently designed with access holes that line up with the holes to be used for attachment with screws.

And voila! I can now assemble my tree on the turntable! Making it easy to hang lights and ornaments on all sides!

bottom section...

middle section...

The top section is in place! Now to fluff out the branches and decorate!

The finished and very festive tree.

And a pretty skirt hides the clever turntable and stand. 

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