Thursday, December 27, 2018

Not a Creature Was Stirring

My years-old hot pink Microsoft wireless mouse had finally annoyed me to the point of getting a new one. The scrolling wheel has been functional but in a ditzy sort of way for some time. It was time to venture out for a post-Christmas retail experience. The son was in need of new headphones so we decided to go to Best Buy.

Ta-da! I was disappointed that there was not a pink mouse in sight, so this had to do. Mine is actually more hot pink where the pictured one is more purple, but this was the only stock photo I could find with the same design. It is quite delightful to have a properly functioning scrolling wheel again! 

While searching the interwebs for a photo of my new mouse, I ran across this pink flamingo version and wondered if I had made too hasty a choice. This is what happens when you shop the brick-and-mortar way. Unaware of the vast choices that exist out there in the electronic marketplace, you sometimes make a purchase that is pretty okay, but not optimal. But I shall forever think of the pink flamingo model as the one that got away. 

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