Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Burnt Toast

This morning I prepared my breakfast as usual. Mostly. The tea was lovely. Somehow I was distracted when I lowered the lever on the toaster. Because I had already done that five or so minutes earlier. Resulting in toasting the toast twice. Rendering it charred. The smoke alarm went off. I disposed of the burnt offering which immediatly made me feel guilty. I started another round of toast which was toasted to perfection. I did eat the second round of toast. Since I like to do new stupid things rather than repeat a stupid thing from the past, toasting the toast twice was a novel thing to do. I hope to never do it again. If I do, perhaps I am embarking down the road to senility. Let's not go there. For a very long time. All I know is, it still smells like burnt toast in the hall.   

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