Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Whining and Tiling

Never make a deal with yourself. Because if you're anything like me, you might want to renegotiate and my experience is that this bitch ain't budging one bit from the original bargain. Which is why I got busy with finishing up the tile on the kitchen backsplash today. I told myself that before any Christmas decorations go up, you must finish the tile job in the kitchen! And since so many are getting a head start on holiday fun this year, I thought I might get by with snudging on that deal. Just a little. But no! Slavedriver that I am, the goal for today was to get the tile on this section of wall. I sighed deeply and brought the tile and the cutter in from the garage.

As you can see, I mean business when I tell myself something. Approximately five hours later the tile has been installed. With just one short lunch break.

And only one boo-boo! Under that bandage is a tiny shard of glaze that worked its way into my finger. I'll figure out how to remove it later. It's beer time!

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