Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Two and Counting

I just now read this quote and can't find its author. I'm sharing it now with the hope that someone smarter than me, or at least with better googling skills, can enlighten me as to its origin. The writing is a bit stilted which suggests to me it comes from an earlier form of the English language, or perhaps it was translated from another language entirely. It grabbed my attention because of its startling similarity to my own earlier life and what I hope the future holds. 

"To love and being loved by the same person is one of the best feelings in the world. But, not everyone has the luck to find true love from the first relationship. For centuries, mystics and philosophers believed that one falls in love only with three different people in the life; ‘the one shows our stupidity’,’ the one breaks and makes us’ and ‘the one without a reason’."

Looking back I can see why the quote spoke to me personally. Thinking I was smart. Feeling broken beyond repair and managing to put myself back together and move on. And still to come, the heart wanting what it wants for no reason. That's reasonable enough for me. 

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