Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Sad Update

I was looking back through some posts of years gone by to try and determine when my last eye exam was and ran across this one. As if it didn't feel shitty enough to overhear that conversation, it made me remember something even shittier that happened a few short years after those uncomfortable moments in my optician's office. That marriage ended badly. So badly, in fact, that I saw a notice of a crowdfunding account set up for her and her children. I don't know any more specifics about the situation and I truly don't want more details. All I know is, I was deeply saddened by their plight. A bit puzzled, too, since I had been aware that both members of this couple had pretty good jobs. Still, real men don't leave their families in the lurch. There are two sides to every story and all I have are a few morsels of information from the wife's side. Adults ought to be able to separate from each other causing the least damage humanly possible to the children involved. We shouldn't need a perfect world for that to happen. And if you have to crowd-source financial security for the children, something is very, very wrong. 

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