Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Time For a New Plan

This week marks the fourth anniversary of moving to Colorado. My five year plan to accomplish that came in at about five and a half years. These things take time and tying up all the loose ends from my last home took a little more time than anticipated. But all in all, things came together about as well as I had hoped. Particularly when you consider that I had not moved in thirty years. I had totally lost my moving chops and had to learn the routine all over again. Now I find myself pondering a new plan. Perhaps I will allot five years for this one as well and hope that this time I come in quite a bit under that goal. Washington, likely the Olympia area, is becoming an alluring choice of residence for me. I just haven't seen the elder son and Darling DiLly enough and want to live closer to them. I have come to feel that the move here was a stepping stone to where I truly need to be. For the most part it has been a wonderful adventure and learning experience. I know I will miss this quirky little house and a few people terribly, the same feeling I had when deciding to leave South Dakota. I will not miss the Greeley community just as I have not missed the Brookings community. Many things remain to be settled and I will be grateful for my remaining time here. But I feel that it's time to move on. Let's put an X on the calendar then and see where spring 2025 finds me. 

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