Thursday, April 9, 2020

Getting There

Cleaning the garage has been my focus the last couple of days. I am happy to report that my lady cave space is taking shape nicely. If you detect a pink flamingo theme, you would be correct.

This still looks pretty bad, but all it really needs now is sorting and organization. Trash has been hauled out, cobwebs have been removed, the floor has been vacuumed. I don't know how I'll possibly manage when I can find my tools when I need them.

The trash pile. If anyone knows a repurpose for the slats from blinds, the ones you remove when you shorten them up to fit a window, please let me know. Before Monday. After that they will be gone, gone, gone.

Behold the scrap wood pile. Some of this will go toward construction of my compost bins, some of it will end up in the firepit, some of it I'll store for future projects, and some of it is trash. Other numerous items were relocated to the garden shed. This is normally when my attention gets pulled away from garage cleaning by more urgent things, but this time, I swear, this is getting done. I know, photos or it didn't happen. 

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