Monday, April 27, 2020

Chicken Salad, Anyone?

This is perhaps the most delicious mustard I have ever tasted. Ever. Braswell's Select Champagne Dill Mustard. If you can find it, buy it. And I have the perfect application for it. Chicken salad. You can put it on a croissant, you can eat it dolloped on crackers. Or you can do what I do. Get a fork and eat it straight out of the prep bowl. The following instructions are for a single serving amount, you can adjust for how many people you are feeding. As is often the case with my cooking, the measurements are imprecise, but you're a smart cookie, you'll figure it out. This is how you do it. First, get a bowl. Toss about one quarter cup of mayo in there. Mayonnaise, mind you, not salad dressing. And a good brand like Hellman's or Kraft. And the full fat stuff, not some lo-cal impostor. Then add about a tablespoon of mustard, preferably the delicious variety I have. Mix together and you have your dressing. After that toss in chopped celery, green grapes cut in half, chunks of cooked chicken, and coarsely chopped pecans in whatever proportion makes you happy. Then toss together so the dressing is distributed nicely. The end result should be between one and a half and two cups total. The only thing that would improve this recipe would be the addition of some dried cranberries, but sadly, I didn't have any on hand. I enjoyed this delectable dish for lunch yesterday as well as today and I can't imagine tiring of it anytime soon. Go forth and make chicken salad, my children. You'll be happy you did.

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