Monday, June 24, 2019

Sort of Like Watching the Pot That Won't Boil

Yes, those are the freshly and professionally pedicured toes on my left foot. The right foot looks pretty much the same, just a mirror image. Without the toe rings. Why is she sharing her pedi with the world, you might wonder. Well. I found myself last week with very sad hands. So sad and in need of rest that I couldn't muster the spoons to trim my ridiculously long toe nails. Then there was that pesky crack in my left great toe nail that had popped open again. Last January I was out in the garage putting away Christmas decorations wearing, silly me, flip flops. And I stubbed my toe. Really hard, my toe was bruised and I thought I might lose the nail altogether. But no, it remained anchored solidly to my toe with a nasty crack running nearly all the way across the nail in a jagged slant. Still attached to live flesh, I might add. I had been getting by with applying nail silks to the crack and setting it with crazy glue. This method worked for about a month or so. Last week I just didn't have the energy to deal with it, so I made an appointment at my fave nail salon. The technician had a great solution that should hold things together until the nail grows out. She applied an acrylic build-up to my toe nail and smoothed it out so it looks pretty natural. Then she painted 'em all up pretty with a fancy design. This should hold up for over a month! You never realize how slow your toe nails grow until you're watching them. 

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