Sunday, June 2, 2019

Brown Thumb Notwithstanding

I have been potting today. Clearing out the old and putting in the new. Whilst clearing out the old for some new begonias, I found something alive under all the dried out crud from last year. Tiny new leaves and a flower bud ready to reach up to the sun! Remnants of the pink gerbera daisy that resided in that pot last summer and overwintered in the garage came back to life! Given the mostly mild temps last winter, it didn't freeze in my attached garage. Here I am, with a slightly greener brown thumb, delighted by the fact that an annual from last year survived. I guess that balances out the fact that close to ten established perennials did not make it. And one that did make it looks like crap and will soon be dug up and hauled to the compost corner. You'd think I enjoy getting filthy and exhausted.

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