Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weduation Countdown

The invitations have flown! Or, since they're via email, they've been electronically transmitted. So the countdown has officially begun. Which means I need to get busy! Very busy! To the utmost extreme! Busy! Which means I really need to stop taking days where I don't manage to get out of my pajamas and into regular clothing. And make lists! Lots of lists! And then get busy accomplishing tasks so I can check them off the lists! I do hope the snow melts and things warm up a bit by May 7th. I'm pretty sure there's a grill and some patio furniture under those drifts. Until then, there are plenty of indoor chores that must be done. I guess hibernation has come to an end.


Martine said...

Where's mine?

Bellona of Avalon said...

On its way!!

Martine asks... said...

...and what happened to GraduWedding?