Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March-ing Along

Other than lunch with Colleen, a haircut with Diane, and contemplating with a medium amount of angst Part One of my FCE tomorrow morning, it's been a quiet day. Also, it is Tigh's birthday. And as he is a leap year child, he has now attained the age of 5.75 years. March has arrived, and officially so now that all three calendars have been turned up to announce that. I have decided to visit Australia, probably in October. Just as fall is arriving here, spring will be in full swing down there. In between now and then, I have an FCE to get through, more physical therapy, perhaps a referral to a neurologist, throw a party for Liz and Michael for their Weduation (or Graduwedding) and I'm sure many other things I haven't begun to ponder. Like returning to work in some capacity pending the outcome of the FCE. When the streets melt off, riding shotgun with the still-not-licensed Reid. Calling my plumber guy to get going on the sump pump business before all that snow melts and ends up running into my basement. And calling the roof guy to figure out why there is frequently a puddle of water on top of the stove. They wouldn't have shingled over the vent on the roof for my range hood, would they? And now, it is that time of day when a book and a blanky, a cup of tea and a comfy spot to sit are calling to me. Hammock weather for this activity can't get here any too soon. Just substitute a beer for the tea.


LindaCO said...

The tour guide I used to date always has a trip to Australia that goes for three weeks in the beginning of October. Should be lovely!

Bellona of Avalon said...

I feel like I just got a free recommendation from a pro! Thanks!