My guys. Of the human and feline varieties. When they were small. The upper photo is Michael to the left and Reid to the right. At approximately four and three quarters and three quarters of a year old, respectively. Brothers. The lower photo is of Newton and Einstein, at some adorable kitten stage. Brothers as well. Some time in the last couple of years I was on the employee committee at work, and we thought it would be fun to put up photos in the lunchroom under the banner of Things We Love. And then have people guess who loved the various things and people and pets depicted. Letting co-workers in on parts of our lives that otherwise might go unseen. So, I guess, these are my loves. Of the son and cat variety. When I brought the photos home, they went up on the fridge. Time flies.
Amen to that!!
Are we really this old? I could swear that I'm still 23...
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