Sunday, October 1, 2023

Welcome to the Witching Month

Well. Hello, it's been a while. There are numerous fleeting ideas I have had in the last few weeks that seemed to merit a blog post. But then those fleeting ideas floated right out of my head. Like how the word bonuce appears on the new shampoo bottle in the shower. I'm pretty sure they meant bounce, but you never can tell. When I attempted to google bonuce it showed the results for bounce so maybe everything is all right. And last week I was planning a number of errands and came up with a route that neatly worked in each of the stops and brought me right back home. It's really starting to feel familiar and comfortable here. Today I broke out the Halloween decorations and have been placing them here and there, seeing how they fit in this house. I love how all these old, familiar witches and black kitties and jack o'lanterns bring back memories of Octobers past. Please be amazed and impressed that I found the seasonal bric-a-brac in the still only partially organized garage. Since you asked, yes, I have been here nearly seven months. But once things are ninety percent in their proper places, the rate of organizing falls off quite abruptly. So. Thank you for coming back. I'm on this again!


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