Sunday, August 16, 2020

Introvert Reckoning

One thing the pandemic has done for me personally is make me even less capable of being among other people! It has taken me nearly a week to recharge my batteries after spending three days among others! After sequestering myself at home for nearly five months with only forays out to shop for necessities it seems it will take some time to get back to my old self again. Where I mostly keep to myself but make some effort toward being social about once a week. That frequency of socializing fit in well with my routine. It didn't drain me and I didn't need any time to recover. This last week was different. I had no energy reserves and needed naps and quiet. Sort of like needing a vacation from my vacation. I find myself wondering what my new normal will be in several months after Covid19 has run its course or when a reliable vaccine has been developed to impart immunity to the masses. Pre-pandemic I was already a retired person who didn't leave the house every day or interact with others a great deal. But I had built up a certain tolerance so that being somewhat social didn't completely sap my strength, both physically and mentally. Here I am this Sunday afternoon feeling mostly myself again and looking forward to a time when my introvert tendencies have returned to a normal level of recovery time after being out among 'em.  

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