Saturday, March 21, 2020

Geography Lesson

At around an hour and twenty-six minutes into the movie Outbreak, Dustin Hoffman and Cuba Gooding, Jr. storm into a federal building in San Francisco. They push their way through a crowded waiting area and identify themselves when they get to the front of the line. The fellow behind the counter then says that he's George from Sioux City, South Dakota. Stop right there, George! Clearly you are not from the midwest because if you were, you would realize that you have committed a geographical faux pas. Sioux City is located in Nebraska. Sioux Falls is located in South Dakota. And although they are connected by I-29, never shall they meet nor should they be confused with one another. Was this some sort of inside joke amongst the filmmakers? Or simply an oversight? An error that could have very easily been fact-checked? I expect we'll never know. 

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