Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What Was Lost is Found

Can a person really have too many snowmen? My answer is a resounding no! Though at over fifty in my collection, I've become more discriminating as far as new additions are concerned. It's more difficult to find a unique one, a snowman that is significantly different from the ones I already have.

This is Sparky, the largest of my snowmen. At about 20 inches tall he gets his own spot on the floor between the hoya and last year's poinsettia.

These plates arrived last year. I'm a sucker for anything in cobalt blue so these fellas just had to come home with me. I found another new snowman last year. But I set it aside so stealthily I did not find him until yesterday when I decided to clean the laundry room.

Just feast your eyes on this adorable guy! A tropical snowman! It just doesn't get more oxymoronic than that! With his little straw hat, pearly embellishments, and seashell nose he's as cute as he can be. Not to mention the sandbox in his belly that can be shaken up to rearrange his tiny internal beach. So glad to have found him! I feared I had tossed him out when I had merely put him away too well. Now to find the perfect spot to display him.

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