Highlights of day two of GraduWeduation Weekend.
*Gorgeous morning! Potted those lovely geraniums after coffee and breakfast with Martine.
*Baked up a storm! The square triple layer cake has one layer of devil's food between two layers of fudge marble. Between the layers are chocolate chips nestled in cream cheese frosting, chocolate buttercream frosting on the outside, and mini chocolate chips scattered on the platter. Also prepared were a lemon tart and a fresh berry tart. Mmmmm.
*Martine has a glorious future as an underpaid sous chef. Give this girl a cutting board and a selection of knives and she can chop veggies like nobody's business! She accomplished preparation of all the veggies for the kabobs, layered taco dip and spinach salad. Couldn't have done it without her!
*Reid mowed the lawn! Without being asked. The season of miracles is upon us.
*Sped to Sioux Falls for the second time in two days to fetch sister Pam at the airport. As long as we were in the big city we ventured downtown and enjoyed a beverage and outstanding apps at Paramount. Our waitperson did not find us amusing. We were. As well as easy to look at. He warmed up a little before we left, but not much. The last half hour was atmosphere enhanced with a jazz trio playing. Nice.
*Upon returning to Brookings we found ourselves still thirsty, so stopped off at Bravo's for a house specialty, the Patron margarita. The waitstaff at Bravo's is always engaging, always prompt, and finds margarita quaffing ladies most entertaining. I'm certain they were tipped at a much higher rate than the grumpy young man at Paramount.
*Had a quick logistics/planning session with the graduates/bride and groom-to-be. We achieved samepagedness.
*Once home, us girls stayed up much too late, put finishing touches on food and decorating, and laughed and hugged and enjoyed every minute together.
*It was a beautiful morning!
*The GraduWeduation cake was awesome. Trollop!
*Thank you! A possible part-time vocation after retirement.
*The season of miracles is always upon us.
*Paramount was lovely.
*I still think I drank more than half of the second margarita Pam.
*Samepagedness. I like it. I like it.
*Amen to that!
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