Sunday, June 21, 2009


I heard another new voice yesterday morning. I liked this one. I liked his laugh. He made me laugh. Try to imagine a voice that is influenced by formative years in (unnamed state) and living in (unnamed state) since then. There's the slightest remainder of a southern twang and rhythm. And, yes, for those of you who are thinking entirely inappropriate thoughts, it was on the phone. We've been in contact for over a month and are planning a face to face meeting this week. In a public, well-lit place during the day. I'm trying to be cool, not get too frenzied, pick the right outfit. I'd forgotten how much fun anticipation can be. Now there's a ketchup commercial song running through my brain...


Ed said...

A light coat of sweat and a pair of running shoes are always great on a first "date".

Bellona of Avalon said...

Ed, I don't know how to break this to you, but this could be why you are single.

Ed said...


Tantra Flower said...

This is awesome news! Yay!