Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Creeping Crud

I don't know if this is simply a very nasty cold or a mild case of the flu. All I know is that its symptoms are lingering on much too long for my liking. This current malady reminds me of my extremely low tolerance for over the counter cold remedies. I awoke with a sizable Nyquil hangover that lasted well into the morning. After lunch, realizing the sinus pressure was pretty much intolerable, I dosed up with an appropriate amount of ibuprofin and decongestant. This resulted in a Sudafed rush that propelled me through a highly productive afternoon at work. So productive in fact that I collapsed into a two hour nap when I got home this evening. Makes for an interesting day. And just now, during a long, lovely, steamy shower, I learned two things during a sneezing fit of five doozies in a row. One, that my facial cleanser tastes absolutely horrible and I vow to never take it to the kitchen and mistake it for a condiment. And, two, it is more than remarkable how sneezing makes leg hair stand on end, resulting in an exceptionally close shaving experience. I'm now headed off to bed, taking my creeping, cruddy cold and silky legs along for the night.

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