Monday, June 29, 2020


A few days ago I was waiting at a red light. On the beat up minivan in front of me were two conflicting symbols. To the right was a Trump/Pence sticker. To the left was one of those fish icons indicating that the people in the vehicle are of the Christian persuasion. I have come to the conclusion that any religious faith has got to be in direct conflict with the policies of this administration. I'm familiar with the Lutheran variety of Christianity so I'll use that as a starting point. Caging children, separating families, militarization of the police force, denial of health care, and tax breaks to the wealthy are just a few examples of the destructive activities they engage in. A true in their heart Christian could never support these things that leave the most vulnerable in our country in harm's way. The cognitive dissonance in the brain of the driver would have to be so fucking loud! The decibel equivalent of a jet taking off every single second. Or else they have very thick, heavily insulated walls in their brain compartments that make compartmentalization not only possible, but tolerable. The current president is a pathological liar, a serial rapist, a raging narcissist, and a misogynistic creep who is daily dismantling environmental regulations, holding hands with Putin, destroying education, weakening the checks and balances in our government, politicizing the courts, undermining the free press, and allowing a pandemic to decimate our society. Here's the thing, if you continue to support Trump, you are not a Christian. You are not living a life that is modeled after Jesus Christ. You are an enabler of the toxic man in the White House. Your moral compass is broken beyond repair. 

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