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My dear departed Einstein. 2006-2015 |
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Well, Hello
I have been a lousy lazy blogger this month. And I have multiple reasons, rationalizations, and plain old excuses for this lack of writing. First off, the spring forward thing always whacks my sleep cycle. Making me feel mildly jet-lagged without the fun of going somewhere. Then the equinox/full moon thing that is really no excuse at all, just a skywatching oddity that happens once in a while. There was the Mercury retrograde, which is also not a real excuse because it happens so frequently who knows what's going on anyway plus astrology is pseudo-science, not real science, merely entertainment. Then there was Mark's party for which I prepared food and engaged in the Spring ritual of hair removal and agonized over what to wear because I might meet a cute, nerdy, single, attractive and available smart employed fella that I might possibly exchange meaningful looks with across a crowded room. But no. I did meet some lovely people and had a nice time but the other guests were mostly couples and women. I have spent a few pajamas days binge-watching Grey's Anatomy. This thing is still hanging like the mythical sword of Damocles over the collective heads in this household. Newton is not affected by this since his food and water continue to be refilled and his poop magically removed. But he is affected by the Spring shedding of his hair resulting in the never enjoyed ritual of hacking up hairballs that I usually find and clean up before stepping in them. And I can't decide which is worse, if the blob is still warm or if it has had time to cool off if I happen to step in one. In either case, ew. The main room downstairs has been upgraded from the room where we dump things that after three years still do not seem to have a place to a lovely, organized space where a jigsaw puzzle is in progress. So that distracted me, too. The puzzle. I have accomplished the filing of the dreaded income tax returns, both state and federal, and have prodded the son into filing his. Also a couple of days consumed with conferring with my dear sister about our father, who is suffering from the early stages of dementia and living in a trailer in rural Mississippi, who occasionally raises a public ruckus because he can't remember things and doesn't recognize people. Plus working on refinancing my home since interest rates are down again. I simply do not wish to endure another winter with the five remaining shitty windows that are original to the house. I want my new bathtub! And countertops that aren't perpetually sticky! And a ceiling fan in my bedroom! Now I'm just sounding whiny. Let's hope it goes through in short order so I will have the cash to make these things happen. In other news, my walking program is now into its second year. In the interest of staving off the ravages of aging, including keeping my mildly elevated blood pressure in a reasonable and healthy range, I walk between five and ten miles a week. And March seems to be exiting like a lamb just as it arrived. Well, this was a much longer rant than I intended to write. But when one must explain why one has been too busy to write, the lengthiness of the post must fully rationalize that claim. If you have had the patience to read this clear through, here's a cute cat picture as a reward. You're welcome.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Monday, March 18, 2019
Summer of '75
Long ago and far away. When I truly thought I was fat and hideous. Note how I'm hiding what I thought were massive hips and thighs behind my lovely Norwegian trunk. Youth is wasted on the young.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Today's first offering to the Pi Goddess. A lovely quiche! Three cheeses, Parmesan, Swiss, and a white extra sharp cheddar, ham, spinach, mushrooms, and carmelized onion. And eggs, obviously. Yes, the crust is perfect.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Friday, March 8, 2019
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Monday, March 4, 2019
My Two-Toned Kitchen
Remember this bit of inspiration? I am pleased to announce that Phase 1 of the kitchen updating is complete. All I meant to do was install the cabinet hardware that's been hanging around in boxes since last November.
I didn't intend to start with painting at this point, but the drawer pulls required so much disassembly that I decided I didn't want to take them apart a second time. So they were scrubbed, sanded, drilled, and finally, painted, before the drawer pulls were installed.
Last week everything was put back together leaving me with two-toned kitchen cabinets. Which is cool. My hands are so happy with more cooperative drawers that tolerating this mismatched business is no big deal. When summer rolls around it will be time to prep and paint the doors and cabinet faces. With all the money I'm spending at the dentist, who knows when I'll have the cash for new countertops. And yes, that is Newton in the background. Watching the squirrel circus in the backyard. The two-toned kitchen doesn't bother him at all.
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Saturday, March 2, 2019
It's Too Soon for Out Like A...!
Yesterday was the lamb. Today is the very angry lion. Single digit temps, snow falling, it's all gray and the streets are crappy. The depths of winter is how it feels, though we did not experience this sort of weather in the actual depths of winter. Seems like a good night to make some popcorn and park myself under a blanket in front of Netflix. I am currently obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. Pardon me while I get an eyeful of McDreamy.
Friday, March 1, 2019
In Like A...
As far as I'm concerned, March can leave that way, too. Also, I wouldn't complain if March was entirely lamby.
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