Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Painting the bathroom! Be back tomorrow. As you can see, Einstein is helping.


colleen said...

Cats paint almost as well as they weed.

Considering that these cats are Earl's siblings, you might want to lock them in the basement 'til you're done!

Bellona of Avalon said...

Yes, they do!

What does Earl do when you paint?

colleen said...

Earl has never been in the house, but he's very "involved" with garden tasks. He finds weeds terribly interesting for a while, then he just wants me to stop and "dance" with him. Yes, Earl is a very interesting cat! Yours are from the next litter.

Bellona of Avalon said...

Steinie is just in the way. And I'm almost certain he doesn't dance. He just smells pretty.