Have you ever wanted a time machine? So you could go back and undo something? Something that on its surface seems benign, innocuous. But there it is. It happened and it changed me though I had no idea at the time. Life-altering things are like that, starting small and snowballing into something much bigger. Something has been put into motion that I could stop if I were motivated to do so. Yet motivation fails to arrive. It seems far easier to hop in the time machine and set the controls for that day and nip this thing in the bud before it begins. The funny thing is, in a year I will probably laugh out loud at this quagmire of my own design that I have stumbled into. Time travelling back would fix it in a second. Time travelling forward is a slog. I'll have to walk through it. Live it. No instant fix. At least the shitty haircut I got in August will be grown out by then. And no, wanting the time machine has nothing to do with my hair.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Sunday, September 22, 2024
What the Heart Wants
Mabon Morning
Squirrel company! He blends right in with Edgar and the rusty pink flamingos. Except he's the only one munching on a french fry.
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Brew of the Moor
Awake in silent darkness,
questioning reality,
among young girls dancing carelessly
in the brewing mists of the moor.
Hope usurps reason
when your heart is bewitched.
This is more or less how I have been feeling lately. Mildly distracted, not feeling anchored in space or time. Wondering when I might feel movement in the stars.
Monday, September 16, 2024
If You Feed It, It Will Come Back
I wrote this poem years ago. It perfectly describes how I feel tonight.
Feed The Beast
This isn't how it works
I tell myself
Not the way it's gone before
What used to set me free
Does not release me
Instead beguiles me
Tell me, please, am I insane?
Einstein's quote does not apply
Same actions always yielded
Satiation, calm and rest
Expecting something different
Would be crazymaking stuff
Something here has gone awry
Same actions are resulting
In a hunger deep and wide
Demanding to be fed
To be acknowledged, satisfied
I'm puzzled and confounded
Yet without question I comply
To be finally consumed
By this desire bound inside
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tuesday, September 3, 2024
How in the world did I manage to let this one slip away? Nonetheless I did. I suppose it was a little bit him, a little bit me resulting in the not working out. Maybe neither of us was ready. I thought that I was. It would seem that I'm still tweaking the formula.