Saturday, June 1, 2024

No Clothing!

 It's not necessary to strip. You can read this fully clothed. Unless that's not your thing. Pardon me for insinuating such a thing. The symbol is to indicate that I have not purchased any clothing for myself so far this year. If you remember my resolution then you will understand why I am so proud of myself. Buying clothes is a big impulse item for me, and it starts out with a little innocent browsing, then I see something cute, then I see if it's in my size...look! it comes in more colors! This is not merely a slippery slope, soon I am barreling down an icy conduit into a bottomless chasm. This is why I have numerous items of brand new clothing in my closet still bearing their tags. So. I have not bought any new clothing. Five months down! Yay me!

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