Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Tis Beltane!

And I shall celebrate by watching The Mists of Avalon. Just look at those fierce, magical ladies. I have always adored the King Arthur legend, but I was especially drawn in to the feminist revisionist version written by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It's only fitting that the women are front and center to this tale. At that point in time in the British Isles, pagan societies were matriarchal in structure. Women held positions of power and were revered. Maybe I'll dress up. Maybe not. But I always wear my blue crescent moon tattoo that was inspired by the sacred markings the priestesses of Avalon were embellished with. Though mine is not on my forehead. However you might celebrate this festival of fire and fertility, do so safely. Honor the union of the King Stag and Mother Earth, it is from this that all life flows. Blessed be!


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