Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Miracle of Soil, Sun, and Seeds

The garden is planted! Four tomato plants, green beans have not yet poked through the soil, yellow and green zucchini, and cucumbers. Plus basil and cilantro. Thus far we have lost one cucumber plant and a rosemary. It has been cool and cloudy with the exception of a couple of very warm days a couple of weeks ago so this might be slow going. This is my third state to plant and tend a veggie garden in so I expect this will be a unique experience compared to South Dakota and Colorado. This is the sunny corner of the yard and I always start off gardening season with high hopes. There is something so lovely about stepping out into the yard and bringing in a just-picked tomato or beans to prepare for supper. Oh, I forgot to mention the mint. Mint is a magical plant. Even a brown-thumbed gardener like me can grow it. 

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