Monday, March 11, 2024

First Anniversary

One year ago this evening I arrived at my new home. It was dark. It was raining. Fortunately, my studious porings over of the map prior to getting here got me where I was going. I was thrown a bit by unexpected one-way streets that ran me around in a circle. But all in all, things worked out nicely. Once through the four locks on the front entrance I opened the garage door and parked inside. Unloading in the pouring rain is no fun at all. Bringing only the essentials into the house, I managed to put up a shower curtain so I could clean off the road dust. Turning up the thermostat to a more liveable temp was in order as was the inflating of the air bed. After spending the better part of two days in my car I was pooped and proceeded to sleep for fourteen hours. It was a good first night's sleep. I like it here. Think I'll stay awhile.

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