Monday, March 29, 2021

Dose #1

I am approximately 72 hours past the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, Pfizer version. I have been feeling pretty okay since last evening, all that remains is a sore upper left arm and a largish, tender swelling in my left armpit. I had zero symptoms the first six or so hours after the shot, but then felt generally very tired the rest of Friday and my arm was sore. By the time Saturday rolled around I felt like crap. Total crap. It was as if my bout with covid in December had descended on me once more. Fatigue, headache, body aches and chills, food tasting like sawdust. I spent most of the weekend binging movies through a fog while taking up residence on the couch in the living room. Having mostly recovered at this point, I have to say I'm not really looking forward to dose #2. But I'm scheduled and I'll show up. Make your appointment for the vaccine now. Because we're all in this together.  

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