Saturday, July 28, 2018

Totally Safe Weed Killer

Some people buy mulch and actually open the bags and spread it around in a decorative manner in their yards. I have discovered that the bags work well to define areas of the yard. For instance, these bags lined up in an arch served to divide the future lawn area from a less tamed part of the yard. Then I got distracted with other outdoor tasks while those trusty mulch bags continued to do their job. Weeks went by. Then I was thinking about plants I could use to form a border between the lawn and the mostly untamed area and brought home some yarrow plants that bloom in a fun yellow-to-orange color. When it was time to plant them, I scooted the mulch bags out a couple of feet and to my delight discovered that they had been there long enough to kill off the weeds! Leaving me with a cleared area to put the yarrow plants! I love it when my distraction and procrastination turn out being the most productive and smart thing to do. 

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