Monday, March 26, 2018

Ten Milligrams of Pain

When the drug prescribed to you for one thing ends up creating all sorts of other problems, it's time to rethink. I was an optimistic patient. I didn't read the list of possible side effects until I started to feel really crappy. Then I stopped taking it altogether. I have message into the PA who prescribed my drug, but she has not yet responded. I wonder how many drug trials we will have to do in order to find something that works without doing me in. I wonder how much it's going to cost. In the meantime, spring has arrived. More outdoor activities and more veggies will help, I expect. And I'm still working on not taking it personally that the clinic's scale had me at a whopping 195 pounds. Seriously! I know, it's been a long winter of carb-leading and I'm solidly into the size 14 jeans. But please! The last time I weighed that much was a week before I gave birth to a nine-pound-plus baby. All I know is, next time I'll set down my purse and kick off my shoes. Maybe blow my nose. You can never be too careful. 

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