Monday, March 26, 2018

It Also Comes in Blue

I don't know what this is. Well, obviously, it's a handbag. A designer handbag, Betsey Johnson, to be precise. MSRP-ed at $99.99. As you can see, it sports an old time telephone receiver on the top equipped with a headphone jack. I think it's supposed to be animal print, though I can't come up with an animal found in nature that has pink spots. Unless it has a rash. But I digress. I was not able to further investigate the interior of the bag to see how things might work, it was all festooned with pesky little ties attaching the festive pink receiver. In any case, this type of receiver would be very impractical as a headset. If you will recall the dark ages for a moment, fancy hands-free headsets soon took their place on landline cordless phones. The only possible explanation is that this phurse pone purse/phone device is what the tech people at CONTROL devised for Agent 99 when she became envious of hubby Maxwell Smart's shoe phone. 

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