Friday, March 30, 2012
The patio door is open. I hear at least a half dozen birds chirping out to establish their territories. Avian turf wars. Every couple of minutes I hear a car go by. There is a dog barking. Sounds like a large dog. Now another, smaller sounding dog has joined in. The lazy drone of an airplane rumbles in the distance and between the birds and dogs I hear cars on the interstate about a mile east of here. Outside is noisy. I need to remember that sound travels the other way, too, when I crank up the stereo and croon along with Norah Jones. It smells like spring. Damp. Rich. Lively. Green. Not quite a hammock evening, but close. I resolve to get in as much hammock and bike riding time as possible this spring and summer. It's good to have goals. Even better to have achievable ones. Achievable ones that are pleasant are the best.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Green Ketchup!

This is, quite simply, just plain wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Which is probably why it was a monumental failure as a product. Ketchup is supposed to be red. Like the tomatoes from which it is derived. I guess they don't need me to tell them, at least in this case, they should have stuck with the original 57 varieties.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Just the Facts, Ma'am
I love knowledge. I love learning new things. Gaining understanding of concepts and disciplines that are utterly foreign to me. I find it very enjoyable to participate in or eavesdrop on conversations with people who have polar opposite views from me. It's the best way to grasp an idea that you hadn't considered before. I may not be won over but I sometimes gain a newfound respect for another person. Or maybe become convinced that he is, indeed, an idiot. Either way I'm entertained as well as enlightened. Sometimes we wander into an area where fact ends and the universe of pondering the imponderables begins. Philosophy, politics, religion, music, theater, numbers of faeries dancing on the head of a pin. There is wiggle room for discussion and preference and critique under all of these headings. It can be lively. I hope it remains civil and no one storms out in a fit of self-righteous indignation. But that happens, too, sometimes. Either because an individual holds such passion and fervor for the subject at hand. Or because they have made an error in judgement. Gasp. They have confused their opinion for a fact. Facts are easy. Jimmy Carter was president of the United States in 1977. The Toronto Blue Jays won the World Series in 1992. The square root of 16 is 4. The 2002 Fox television series Firefly has fourteen episodes, eleven of which had been broadcast at the time it was cancelled. Facts are facts. No wiggle room. Everything else is opinion or theory or conjecture or under construction. It's open for discussion. We can agree to disagree on any and all of those. A couple of years ago, after being introduced to my friend Colleen, a man who shall remain nameless asked of her if I always had to be right. Colleen replied something like, well, that was just how I am. Obviously I'm paraphrasing, I was out of earshot at the time. The thing is, I don't have to be right. I just expect people to have their facts straight. By the same token, I expect to be gently corrected if I'm wrong. We'll get along fine as long as you agree the number of faeries dancing on the head of a pin totally depends on whether they're doing the foxtrot or the tango. And I'm certain the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow, African or European, is distinctly faster than that of a laden one.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
When Life Gives You...

That Narrow Ledge
Shake it off. Walk it off. Fend it off. Aversion therapy. Laugh therapy. Logic. Vent about it. Write about it. Cry about it. Check, check, check, and once again, check. Rub salt in it, agonize over it, over analyze it. Yup. Run as far away as you possibly can. Stare it down from whites-in-their-eyes proximity. Accept it without understanding, knowing full well from experience that understanding often follows acceptance. Life is too short to spend one more precious moment feeling like this. Days are excruciatingly long when you feel like this. It's all relative. Focus on things outside yourself. Do for others. Lose yourself in activities that put you in the zone, in the flow, in that place of bliss and fulfillment. Distract yourself. Delude yourself. Deny yourself. Do the work. Give it time. Meditate. Percolate. Rejuvenate. The question remains, how long will I feel like this? And the answer remains the same, foolish girl. Until you don't.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Green Bagging It

Sunday, March 25, 2012
Call Her Esmerelda

Saturday, March 24, 2012
Two Thirds of the Way There
I was listening to this with about 25% of my brain last week when suddenly 100% of my attention was engaged. I'm not sure why, if it was something that happened in the room where I was sitting or a laugh or other sound in the interview setting. Maybe it was one of the cats or something shiny flying by. What I heard was that there are three things necessary in a relationship. Luck, patience and grace. Kevin Kling, you are a very funny and brilliant man. And I agree with your assessment. You can work with diligence and sincerity on attaining the second and third ingredients. Luck is the iffy part. Luck never calls for an appointment. She just shows up when she shows up. With a little patience and grace, you may be ready.
It's Green!

Friday, March 23, 2012
Green Batteries

Ockham's Razor Burn
Though the thought was around much earlier, it is attributed to 14th century logician, theologian, and Franciscan friar Father William Ockham. Is it more important that you think the thought first or that you get it named after you? I'm thinking the latter. Simply stated, Ockham's Razor boils complexity down to the essential. All other things being equal, the simplest explanation is probably right. I ran across this theorum twice yesterday. Quoted in the movie Contact and in the afterword of Stephen King's latest novel, 11/22/63. In Contact we are dealing with the argument of Science vs Religion. In 11/22/63, we are pondering the details of the Kennedy assassination, conspiracy theories, and time travel. Disparate sources, to say the least. There is a common plot point to both involving the main character hopping through space and time. One is gone eighteen hours while only a second or so elapses for the observers, the other is gone just over five years while back home at the door to the wormhole only two minutes go by. With all of this drama rattling around in my brain I didn't sleep particularly well. But I did come up with an idea. You know how aggravating it is that your man can get ready to go pretty much anywhere in under fifteen minutes? If I had a wormhole, I could duck through it, deal with wardrobe choice and hair and everything, and be ready in two minutes flat. All I have to say is, if we could get Mr. King and Carl Sagan in the same room, that would be an interesting dinner conversation. I would want to be there. I'd be ready in two minutes flat.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Green, Green Jellybean

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
First Robin!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
First Day of Spring Green

Sunday, March 18, 2012
As Promised...
Sage Sausage Stuffing
6-8 cups cubed bread
1/2 lb Jimmy Dean's sage sausage
1 medium size yellow onion
6 stalks celery
1 Granny Smith apple
4 Tablespoons butter
1 egg
2 cups chicken or vegetable broth
olive oil
Start the day before by cutting up the bread. I use primarily white and throw in some rye, whole grain or sourdough for color and texture interest. Leave the bread overnight in a large bowl covered with a towel. Stir it up occasionally to aerate. Brown the sausage just prior to making the stuffing or up to a couple of days ahead of time. Just before baking, chop and saute the onion, celery and apple in olive oil until the onion begins to carmelize. Toss with the bread cubes. Add cooked sausage. Dot ingredients in the bowl with butter. Pour broth over the top. Beat the egg and stir it in. Season to taste with thyme and sage. Try not to stir the stuffing too much, just enough to evenly incorporate all the ingredients, you want it to maintain a chunky texture. I usually use my hands, but be careful, it may be too hot to handle. Place in a shallow baking dish, a glass lasagne pan works well. Bake at 375 for about 20 minutes. I never have cooked this stuffing inside a roasting bird so I can't advise you on how that should be done. I just prefer stuffing that has been baked separately. It can also be baked longer at a lower temp if you have other dishes in the oven.
Greening of the Footwear
Saturday, March 17, 2012
St. Patrick's Celebratory Trifecta

Friday, March 16, 2012
At the Old Market for Dinner
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The Ice Queen Thaweth
I am just now admitting this to myself. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone. I would love to be married again. Committed. Partnered. Living in a state of having been mutually chosen as a significant other. Naturally with the usual disclaimers of right person, right time and this short list of qualifications. I've danced around the "M" word for a long while, euphemising my desire to pairbond by saying I'd like to be in a relationship or have a boyfriend or be with someone. Maybe I've just arrived at a place where I can acknowledge my emergent emotional availability. I think I've been in denial, thinking I was already there when my behavior indicated just the opposite. Despising yet reveling in my smartassicequeen persona. Insistent on the perpetuation of my own isolation like it was thrust upon me rather than a choice I was free to make. Wrongly interpreting vulnerability as a weakness rather than the most sublime of strengths. Hey, Mr. Beautiful, Beautiful Name, you thawed me out. A most welcome spring has finally arrived.
Faith in Faeries
So. The Pi Fairy invaded my kitchen yesterday and made a big fat mess and didn't bother to clean it up. Because I fervently believe in the Dish Fairy, I left the mess overnight, giving her an opportunity to intervene. She was a no-show. I type this post from the periphery of a sticky, crusty disaster zone. I ventured in briefly to make coffee. At least there was pie for breakfast.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Green Illumination
Monday, March 12, 2012
Ah, Memories

Daddy, daddy, daddy! says the 4ish year old to her father who is absorbed in debating over purchasing the bag of oranges or selecting them from the bulk bin.
What, sweetheart, he answers distractedly.
Why is six afraid of seven? She dances around the grocery cart, poking her fingers in and out of the wire grids at her eye level.
I don't know, replies dad as he plops the bag of oranges in the cart.
Because seven ate nine! she squeals as she collapses in a heap of giggles.
Dad picks her up and plops her in the cart as well, giving her a hug in the process. I'll have to remember that one, he says.
If you forget it, I'll tell you again later! she assures him.
I'm sure you will, he sighs as he pushes the cart away.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Big Frog, Little Pond
When will I learn. If we only pay attention, people tell us precisely who they are, how they will treat us, and what we ought to expect from them. In this particular case there was a big fat screaming neon DICK right smack in the middle of his beautiful, beautiful name. He's not nearly as good as he thinks he is at anything he does. But it was amusing. I wish him well. And the best of luck in his future scams. Um, I mean endeavors. Where he's going he's going to need it.
This is my green post for the day. Note the frog reference. When I am in the compose screen, I change the text to a bright green, but for some reason the post does not publish in green. Technical advice, anyone?
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Emerald Quest

Friday, March 9, 2012
Little Green Apples
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Greener on the Other Side of the Road


Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Green Haired Boy
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
My Green Thumb

Princess in Pink
Monday, March 5, 2012
Breaking up is Hard to Do
If there is a proper etiquette protocol for breaking up with your beautician, I don't know what it involves. But now that Amelia at The Sunflower has expertly cut my hair twice, I feel like we have a good thing going. I imagine Diane, pining away from missing me. She knows I'm more than six months overdue for a trim and probably suspects I've moved on. Without telling her. Leaving her to wonder what went wrong. I feel just a little guilty when I drive past the Ritz salon, like I'm cheating on Diane. I may have slumped down just a teensy bit in the car while waiting at the light at 17th and 6th. Adjusted my sunglasses. Turned up my coat collar. But I love my hair for the first time since Kim retired from the hair biz. That is what I will plead in the court of bad hair days if they ever haul me up in front of Judge Clairol Sassoon. I've been through six years and eight stylists in search of hair happiness. No jury would convict me.
Mar-green-et Hamilton
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Green Eggs and Ham

instead of ham. Nothing annoying about that.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Viva le Brocoli!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Not Trash!

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Going Green
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