Thursday, December 22, 2011

It was a Dark and Starry Night

A Winter Solstice Dream

In these darkest days of winter

The solstice eve draws near

We contemplate all that has come to pass

Anticipate the upcoming new year

Evergreen and holly we invite inside

With their color and fragrance decorate

Reminders that spring will come once more

The seasons’ cycle we celebrate

When sleep steals away your worries and cares

On this longest and starry night

I wish for you slumber, restful and deep

Filled with dreams of comfort and light

I wish for you the waking-world courage

To live those dreams, precious and bold

I wish for you the warmth and love that returns

When given freely and wholly, tenfold

I wrote this poem in December of 2006. It feels like a new years' wish as well, which is also celebrated at the solstice by many. Whatever your particular beliefs or customs are this time of year, I wish you a joyous celebration and that you find yourself among those that you love.


The Cranky said...

Thank you for sharing this poem, it is lovely. Today would have been my father's 85th birthday and it very much puts me in mind of his personality and approach to the people he loved.

Bellona of Avalon said...

Today would have been my brother Cullen and his wife Pam's 18th wedding anniversary. Cullen was killed in a car accident in May 2009, so it's a bittersweet day for us. I remember Cullen winking at me and saying that this was a great day to get married...the longest night of the year!

Wrinkling Daily said...

Thank you for such an open and generous wish for everyone. It was nice to find.