I've been gone a few days. Did you notice? Bless your heart! Wednesday I visited the Children's Museum for lunch with sons and DIL. As usual, life is more interesting than I need it to be. Second visit with pain doc on Friday. What I have is called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type II. Type II because there is evidence of nerve damage. Possibly due to my surgery and repetitive trauma. As far as Dr Cottage Cheese is concerned, I have found three reputable citations agreeing that Motor Nerve Conduction Testing is considered inappropriate, unethical, and cruel for CRPS patients because it is extremely painful. The very test he wanted me to repeat. Bastard. I had a second nerve block injection and am continuing with the Lyrica. I still am hoping to go off the Lyrica, as it isn't obvious to me that it has a positive effect. Rather than knocking me out within an hour of taking it, I seem to be experiencing sleep disturbance again like I was pre-Lyrica. And it makes me feel a quart low. Which may not be obvious to the casual observer. The shots, however, have short-lived side effects and are currently rendering my right hand nearly pain free for probably half of my waking hours. A decided improvement. Reid and I bade Michael and Liz farewell yesterday morning. They are off on their Google adventure. So many mixed feelings, excited for them for this great opportunity in a city they have already fallen in love with. While my mother's heart laments that they are so far away. I'll be fine. A surprise half hour phone call with my former employer's corporate head honcho HR guy. He didn't seem to be entirely aware that I had been dismissed from my job. He was following up on a couple of serious issues I voiced over two weeks ago with local HR and Management. A little late, if you ask me. Colleen had me up to the Big Red House on the Hill for lunch on Friday afternoon. Delightful and delicious! The legal aspect for my Work Comp case is moving forward with the gathering of documents. And I'm networking in search of new employment. I had a busy weekend helping friends with a rummage sale of their parents' belongings. In preparation for putting their home of over thirty years on the market. An enormous, emotional task made easier with the assistance of many friends. Felt a little familiar after dealing with my own mother's lifetime accumulation of objects last winter. Enjoying a slower paced Sunday today in preparation for the week ahead. Which will likely be interesting.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Day Six
Of my pain treatment, that is. My thoughts so far...the topical Voltaren gel produces unpleasant sensations and has been ineffective in reducing my pain. I have tried to use it four times and each time ended up washing it off just a few minutes after applying it. The oral medication Lyrica has had mixed results. It is effective at knocking out the pain, but during the time I am rendered nearly pain free, I am so loopy all I can accomplish is attaching my butt to a chair. When the high begins to subside, the pain begins to return. During the pain reinstatement, druggy high diminished state, I still feel somewhat disoriented. Sort of a quart low with pain. After only five doses, the pain-free period has already gone from sixteen hours to confined to when I am sleeping. I wake up with pain. I also wake up with a slight headache. Not a reasonable trade-off for how I was pre-Lyrica. I know, I know I'm just the patient. But at least here, I get to have an opinion. The third prong to my pain management plan seems to be having a significant effect. The stellate ganglion nerve block was administered just to the right of my voice box via needle. It's convenient that I have my left hand and wrist as a control group. By comparison, the pain, aching, itching and burning sensations in my right hand and wrist have been reduced by about 25%. The stiffness remains and my fine motor skills remain compromised. I have a couple of lingering side effects from the shot, those being a metallic taste in my mouth and feeling a bit thick-tongued on the right, also a feeling of heaviness and puffiness in my right arm and hand. But these side effects are tolerable in light of the reduction of pain. I see the pain doc for a follow-up this Friday. I hope to ditch the topical med and the Lyrica, but continue with the nerve block shots. Now that I've been fired and no longer possess medical insurance, I hope to be able to work out some kind of payment plan with the Pain Clinic. I'd still like to have a name for my malady, and have a greater understanding of the longevity of the efficacy of the nerve block shots. Can I be cured, or merely treated? Can I return to some type of work that involves repetitive motion? If yes, will more damage occur? Did the repetitive motion, physically demanding aspects of my lab job cause the damage to the nerves in my hands and wrists? Will my fine motor skills return? Maybe I ought to just print this off and bring it along to my appointment on Friday. I'm quite amazed that I was able to come up with that bit of brilliance amidst my Lyrica induced fog. Then again, I'm pretty easily amazed. Impressed. Entertained. You must be, too, if you've read this far. Thanks.
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Other Shoe
I've been waiting for some time for that other shoe to drop. And this afternoon, there it was, right in the middle of an email. My dismissal, my termination notice, my firing with their best regards. They didn't have the courtesy nor the courage to do the deed face to face. I'm closing in on nearly two years since the first time I feared I would lose my job over the injury that occurred at my place of employment. And it's kind of a relief to finally be dismissed. So, it's on to phase two that we go, which likely will involve legal advice. All I know is, I have dealt with everyone involved in good faith and with honesty. For that I have been rewarded with stonewalling and suspension and reinstatement of benefits and treatment only to be cut off again. I have met with dismissive doctors. And dealt with insurance company paper shufflers ten states away who make medical decisions and legal decisions regarding my life when they possess neither medical nor legal degrees. I feel like I'm living in a really cheesy movie on the Lifetime cable channel. Or sleeping with an Erin Brockovitch dvd under my pillow. Wish I could wake up and change the channel.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
My Dilemma
Last Wednesday I received a letter from my place of employment. In this letter I was informed that they have "held" my position for nearly a year. If I do not return to work, they will consider my position abandoned and will proceed with filling it. And since the most recent Work Comp doctor has cleared me to return to work with no restrictions, I must be just fine! My intentions were to return to work tomorrow morning for round three of pain and humiliation, fully expecting that they would fire me when I could not reasonably perform any of my job tasks to a satisfactory degree. There's this one little snag. After seeing the pain management doctor on Friday, I began taking the prescription drug Lyrica. It certainly takes the edge off my pain. But it also imparts something of a balloon-head effect. I feel floaty, distracted, buzzed, and unable to drive. Around three in the afternoon, the pain returns and my head feels clear once more. When you begin taking Lyrica, the patient is cautioned to not stop taking it abruptly, that you must be weaned off of it with a gradually decreasing dose, or risk withdrawal symptoms. So this is my dilemma. Take my Lyrica tonight and render myself unable to report to work in the morning. Or not take the Lyrica, risk withdrawal symptoms, yet still be unable to perform my job once I am there. A third alternative I'm considering is to stay on my med schedule and have someone drive me to work in the morning and see what happens. I've heard it said that showing up is ninety percent of life. We'll see.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Continuing the Celebration

Live, From Euphoria!
I am very nearly pain free. Yesterday, just before noon, the pain specialist doc administered something called a stellate ganglion nerve block via a sizable needle to my neck. Causing some side effects like warmth, swelling, numbness and a slightly droopy right eye. And a weird metallic taste on the right side of my tongue which persists even now. The rest subsided in just a couple of hours. Then, at bedtime, I popped a 50 mg capsule of Lyrica. I also have a topical nsaid gel called Voltaren, which I have not yet used. A three-pronged approach to pain management. At the moment I'm doing dandy with just two prongs. I also feel euphoric and about two steps removed from reality. Just a little out of focus. I definitely should not drive. Fortunately, there is no heavy equipment around to operate, since I probably shouldn't do that either. It is requiring all the concentration I can muster to formulate and type these few sentences. The pain doc warned me that my liver would need a few days to learn how to metabolize the Lyrica. Also that I should not research the drug because I might then think I'm experiencing all of its potential side effects. I have some numbness and pain, mostly in my right hand and thumb but in my left hand as well, but the intensity has backed off. My hands feel a little puffy and tender and my fine motor skills are iffy. Feeling contemplative yet easily distracted. If I call you from Euphoria for a ride, I hope you can find me!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Shampoo Chivalry
I watched Out of Africa last night, probably for the first time since I saw it in the theatre when it was released. I had completely forgotten about the hair washing scene! How much more erotic and sensual can camping get! This is going on my list of things a man ought to do for a woman if he truly loves her. It's right up there with killing spiders, unclogging the toilet and rubbing her feet. Denys Finch-Hatton (Robert Redford) may not have been able to commit to a conventional relationship with Karen Blixen (Meryl Streep), but by golly he washed her hair and danced with her. Another cinematic hair washing scene worthy of mention is in The English Patient. When Kip (Naveen Andrews) washes Hana's (Juliette Binoche) hair in the yard of the dilapidated Italian villa, it is with such tenderness and care every woman in the audience melts into a puddle of shampoo suds. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he's shirtless. Okay, maybe for me it has something to do with the fact that he's shirtless. As a devoted fan of Thirtysomething, I must also mention the hairwashing scene from Season 2, Episode 3, About Last Night. Gary (Peter Horton) is the guy Susannah (Patricia Kalember) really doesn't want to love. She protesteth too much early on when she assures him that there are probably lots of women who are attracted to his peculiar combination of hair and whimsy, but she's not one of them. Famous last words since she does go on to have his baby and marry him. I'm certain he clinched her affection in this episode with not only a neck massage but washing her hair. I'm pretty sure pretty hot sex ensued in the wake of all of these tress-maintenance sessions. To my knowledge it's not a standard form of foreplay, but this girl would place her hearty stamp of approval on it.
Monday, July 18, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011
The Room at The End of The House
Sometimes called the shop, it is outfitted with work benches and electrical outlets and task lighting. Even a vise on the corner of one of the benches. In the last few years, though, it has become a dumpground for whatever wasn't wanted elsewhere in the house. If we didn't know what to do with it, put it in the shop. Since we adopted Newton and Einstein five years ago, it has also become their bathroom. At least, it's the room where the litter boxes are. Mostly it has been the repository of fifteen years worth of broken things, the leftovers from Michael's electronic experiments, and odd containers of odd bits of hardware. In other words, the room at the end of the house was full. It could hold no more. Michael has been hard at work cleaning it up. Separating out what he would like to keep, a box of stuff for his Dad, a box of nasty, dead, and leaky batteries, and a whole lot of computer parts and electronic whatnot that can be recycled. I am nearly in a rapturous state at being able to see the floor! But I realize as the time draws nearer for Michael and Liz to begin their adventure of a new life together in Washington, that this cleaned up room is a milestone of sorts. Mostly it is Michael's mess in the room at the end of the house. And he's cleaning it up. Because that's what responsible grown-up type people do. Which is what he's become. This is the mother's struggle from the moment that bundle of joy is first in her arms. Proud that her child has learned well and matured and is more than ready to be on his own. And mourning just a little at the same time.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Ready For My Close-Up

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Diagnose This!
I'm going to stop random people on the street and ask them for a medical diagnosis. Just as a control group. I have now seen my fourth orthopedic doctor. And based on the same information, same test results, same medical history available to the previous three doctors, he has come up with a completely different opinion! This one says that I'm getting old and that I have arthritis in my thumbs based on his physical exam of my hands as well as the xrays of my hands from a year ago. Which is odd, because the doc under whose care the xrays were done said I have normal joint spacing. What happened to carpel tunnel? DeQuervain's? Soft tissue injury? Neurogenic pain? Doc #4 is of the opinion that my other symptoms are, and I quote, all in my head. Have no medical basis. That they're goofy. And that this doesn't exist, even though The Mayo Clinic thinks it does. So I guess if I just decide that the grinding and popping sensations, the constant itching and burning, the stiffness and trigger points and sensitive spots don't exist, I'll be all better. Why didn't I think of that! Oh, that's right. I forgot. I don't have a medical degree! How silly of me! Tomorrow I return to work with no limitations. I have a feeling this won't be pretty.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Biker Girls

My bike buddies Sara and Karen! They had to cheer me on through the last mile, I was in my lowest gear and moving pretty slowly. I recommend starting out your birthday short on sleep and tackling a 20 mile bike ride. I can't wait for next time to ride a different section of the trail.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Another Pink Tank!

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Home Sweet Home
I'm home! I'm also pooped. So very much fun was had with Karen, Sara, Steve, James, Ed, Josh, Gary, Janice, and many others. Including the very drunk guy named Thomas who left me his reflective sunglasses. We wanted to tackle Bryce and remove his sunglasses, which we think he wears even to bed, to find out just what he's hiding behind them. I bought not just one, but two pink souvenir tank tops. Saw four bands in three nights of terrific live music. Biked 20 miles! Put about a thousand miles on the Outback. Laughed a lot. Took pictures, which I will share over the next few days. And now, it's time to catch up on sleep!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Oh, my. It's the final day of FYC*. And how shall I spend it? By meeting up with the girls to set up camp (rain, rain, stay away!) in Spearfish. Meeting up with Ed and Steve to see Gary and his band at the Buck-N-Gator tonight. Taking a day to enjoy the beautiful scenery that is all around me. Pretty much the way I ought to celebrate any morning when I wake up feeling well rested and healthy (except for this damn thing with my hands) and grateful to be alive. Oh, yeah, I'm on vacation! Tomorrow begins FYC 54, which makes me a full deck plus jokers. I have no idea what that means, but expect it will be interesting.
* Fiscal Year Carla
Thursday, July 7, 2011
By Popular Demand...
Monday, July 4, 2011
@ Colleen's House
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Fun with Glasses
Miss Martine & Pamela Jean

Saturday, July 2, 2011
Name Dropper

I met George Jetson last night. Surprisingly, he's much better looking in person than he is on tv. And younger. He had to leave early and take Astro for a walk. I hope there wasn't an unfortunate incident involving a treadmill. I can't wait for George to take me for a ride in his flying car and give me a private tour of Spacely Sprockets. The big question on my mind is, what happened to Jane?
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