I do enjoy dragging out my birthday celebration. But only as long as is seemly and appropriate. On Tuesday this week, a package arrived from my dear sister Martine. Celtic Woman and Adele! And a card declaring me the Birthday Queen! Lovely. Just lovely.
My birthday gift to me is up on the wall, all properly matted and framed. I only have one rule about art of any kind. It must speak to me in a profound and passionate way. The title of the piece is The Marriage Counselor, drawn by Black Hills renaissance man James Van Nuys. He told me he was inspired by nude drawings in an anatomy book. Arming the couple and adding a third figure into the mix was brilliant. As a veteran of marriage counseling, I laughed out loud at this depiction of a couple seemingly at war. It was a relief when I could be amused by what had been a very painful period of my life. When I found this ink drawing here, I commissioned a larger version suitable for framing. The first of one hundred prints, I hope the other ninety-nine find a home soon. And it looks like my natal day celebration will spill over into August. Since I was lollygagging out in the Black Hills on my birthday, Tammy has rounded up a few of the usual suspects for a girls' lunch in a couple of weeks. I sincerely hope it isn't possible to have too much fun.
My record for birthday celebratory duration was nearly three months back in 2007. I don't think I'll break that record this year, but I'll give it my all!
Those are several kinds of awesome. Let the celebrations continue!!
My record for birthday celebratory duration was nearly three months back in 2007. I don't think I'll break that record this year, but I'll give it my all!
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