The 17yo's bedroom is now a lovely shade of red. Olympic Satin Apple-a-Day red. One more coat of black spray paint to the curtain rods, wait an hour, and, voila!, the curtains will be up. Then if someone will pick up all the drop cloths and put the switch and electrical plate covers on, shove the bed back in place and make it up, he'll be able to sleep in there tonight. And I accomplished the job with only minor injuries, all to my right hand. Two blisters from the paint roller ratchet and one major skinned area from finding the corner of his headboard with my index finger whilst rolling on paint in a confined area. Several colorful epithets and metaphors and a band-aid later I was back on the job. It took five coats of paint!!! The first I brushed on to get into all the nooks and crannies of wall texture, the following four rolled on. I was warned about the translucent quality of red pigments and how it takes more coats, but did I listen? I did not! I wanted pretty red walls in the family room two years ago. I ended up buying an extra can of paint because I didn't listen. Then when the 17yo expressed interest in having his room painted the same color, I foolishly said, sure! And now that the job is completed and is absolutely gorgeous, all I have to say is, they don't call it Labor Day Weekend in jest.
Why not just go with the colorful epithets and forget the paint? Hang posters and get a black light or two.
Do I need to be injured to hurl the epithets? That would be a painful way to paint!
He has one pretty cool poster and we framed some of his artwork to hang up.
No blacklights, just politically correct cf's.
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