It's homecoming week. Every day is a different theme for dressing up. Today was toga day. I informed the 17yo that a crown of laurel is the standard headgear to be worn with the toga. But he prefers his cap. I tried. The sandals, however, were an excellent choice.
You did NOT try to paint those toenails?!
You did NOT try to paint those toenails?!
He wears the toga in the family, yours truly wears the nail polish. No negotiations.
Did you really need to say it twice?
Musta got klutzy.
I always wore a crown of grape leaves. Somebody in my family is always growing grapes.
Did he have fun?
He had great fun! Thursday was "Decades Day", they could choose a decade and dress accordingly. We found his dad's polyester leisure suit in the costume closet...and it fit! He looked fabulous and oh-so 70's! Grape vine would make great headgear with a toga!
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