Is this a trend? Has anyone else noticed baked goods masquerading as wine? Is this appropriate? Should this be allowed? Is some sort of sinister genetic recombination going on involving vintners and dessert chefs? All I can say is, both of these wines are highly drinkable. As a fan of cakes as well as of god's gift to us, the fermented grape, I approve of the mixing of these two food classifications. This can be a lesson to us all. If the pastries and the wine can live in peace inside a bottle together, we ought to give it a try as well. Oh, and let me know if you see further evidence of this desegregation of the pantry. As Julia always said, bon appetit!
You have made an amazing discovery. I must have more pastry! Once upon a time, I bought a package of Brandy filled chocolates. Took them to work. Ate them all immediately. Thirty minutes later....
Thirty minutes later what?
I passed out.
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