Isn't it though! After ten days of inconvenience and toil, ta-da, here is my new and improved bedroom. I'm still moving in bit by bit, weeding through things and striving for a less cluttered look. Overall I'm very pleased with the results. The carpet installer guys, who you wouldn't necessarily think of as fashion conscious, complimented me on the palette of my decor. Very dramatic, one of them said, different from what he usually sees. I said thank you. I then proceeded to shout obscenities at the bi-fold closet doors while I was coaxing them back into their spots. They're so easy to remove! And so tricky to replace.
They say your bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary. I agree. I just wish I would find time and the will to get mine back in order -- right now it looks like somebody turned the whole room upside down and shook it! :(
Your room really does look lovely. Very inspiring. I'm so happy that you have such a beautiful place to relax. :)
Bi-fold doors. As a carpenter, I had to install many of those gosh darn things. They are tricky. Nice room. Where's the trash? You hide it for the photo shoot or what? Gotta get that lived in look. Or not?
Tantra, that is precisely how my room looked before I started this project. There is hope for you!
Still moving stuff back in! I have now discovered that I must take down the door and trim off a quarter inch or so because it drags on the carpet. At least there is plenty of clearance on the damned closet doors.
Of course I hid the trash for the photo shoot! Kinda scary to turn your back on it, though.
We have very similar tastes in decor.
They say your bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary. I agree. I just wish I would find time and the will to get mine back in order -- right now it looks like somebody turned the whole room upside down and shook it! :(
Your room really does look lovely. Very inspiring. I'm so happy that you have such a beautiful place to relax. :)
Bi-fold doors. As a carpenter, I had to install many of those gosh darn things. They are tricky. Nice room. Where's the trash? You hide it for the photo shoot or what? Gotta get that lived in look. Or not?
Tantra, that is precisely how my room looked before I started this project. There is hope for you!
Still moving stuff back in! I have now discovered that I must take down the door and trim off a quarter inch or so because it drags on the carpet. At least there is plenty of clearance on the damned closet doors.
Of course I hid the trash for the photo shoot! Kinda scary to turn your back on it, though.
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