Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy birthday, CP Cavafy

What can you say about a man who died over seventy-five years ago, was probably gay, and wrote primarily in Greek? Well, that he was an absolute genius, that his poetry holds up remarkably to translation, and, he was a genius! All hail Constantine P. Cavafy, who wrote poems with historical, sensual, and philosophical themes. Unless you are made of stone, The God Abandons Antony will speak to your heart. It is Cavafy's natal day today. Bless the day he was born!


Ed said...

You like him?

Bellona of Avalon said...

I like him. Someday I may devote an entire blog posting just to you, Ed. Please submit a suitable photo.

Ed said...

Uh, "suitable"?

Bellona of Avalon said...

Suitable, you know, like for framing. Or something. You don't have to be wearing a suit in the photo.