Welcome to my writing space/office/blogging room. This is the ottoman I put my feet up on. Oh, and a look at the pretty rug that keeps my toes away from the cold tile basement floor. I have found that comfortable feet keep me focused on writing.
This is the all business corner of the room. Desk. Bulletin board. Computer. Desk lamp. Shelves filled with reference materials and office supplies. Ignore the tv. It's not even plugged in.
Einstein and Newton, in a completely separate room. As usual, denying knowledge of or responsibility for anything. Begging for tuna, most likely.
This is the crafty corner of the room. Unfinished projects, scrapbook supplies, unfiled papers. Ignore that mess under the table.
How did this get in here? A dopey photo of me expressing some sort of deep emotional contemplation in regard to the fake spilled drink on the bar. Really. It's a red plastic puddle attached to a wine glass. Found in your better novelty stores, or here, on the bar at Latitude 44. I like to think of it as l'attitude 44, where you can cop one. Or 44. Or as many as you think you can handle.
Ooh, back to my office. Large comfy chair in the corner is indispensable for journal writing, poetry construction and the occasional nap. Penguins and polar bears on shelf are for inspiration, amusement, and the collection of dust bunnies. Radio is for casual Saturday NPR listening. This American Life. The Splendid Table. A Prairie Home Companion. I'm a Sustaining Member, now, so I can come out of the shame closet where the rest of you NPR moochers hang out.
It is wonderful that you have such a lovely space in which to write and do your crafts. That picture of you made me smile -- great facial expression and I've always been a sucker for novelty gag items haha. Thank you for sharing. Peace, Lisa
1 comment:
It is wonderful that you have such a lovely space in which to write and do your crafts. That picture of you made me smile -- great facial expression and I've always been a sucker for novelty gag items haha. Thank you for sharing. Peace, Lisa
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