Spring is here! The windows are open. The outside temperature is a welcoming 64 degrees. The sun is shining and snowbanks are shrinking. And to celebrate the arrival of la prima vera, I have indulged in my own personal spring ritual, the painting of the toenails. Now that sandals and barefoot days are upon us, perish the thought that I might be caught with dreary toenails. Should you care to duplicate this look, my toes are sporting Cover Girl Boundless Color 515, Megawatt Mauve. I feel springy. Although still a little less exotic since the loss of my navel piercing. I miss that cute little ring! I'm considering repiercing but do not look forward to the lengthy healing process. And for the second time in less than a year, my recycling containers were pilfered from the end of my driveway yesterday. A curse upon you, you thieving, mouldering piles of parrot droppings! I shall continue to recycle despite your stealing ways! Then I'll hug a tree, stir my compost, and scrub my kitchen sink with baking soda! And feel festive all the while with my Megawatt Mauve toenails. Happy Spring!
How many Megawatts does that particular Mauve use? Does all that electricity make your toes tingle? Do you have to be grounded? Is this an example of why Marketing Psychologists make the really big bucks? Will it come off if you run barefoot in the sand?
I believe that this particular mauve is one of those storied perpetual motion type of things. It generates megawatts without actually using any. I don't understand the concept of marketing or the psychology involved. Nor do I understand why I have things that seem to be the same color yet they have two entirely different fancy color names. Ed, let's run off and find a sandy beach to run barefoot upon and see how the Megawatt Mauve holds up!
You have no idea how much I'd like to run off. Hmmmm, generating megawatts without using any. Better not let the oil companies hear you.
Your toe ring is so darling!!! I've always wished my toes were a little less sensitive so I could stand to wear one. Actually, my whole body is like that so I don't even wear earrings. I definitely could never do the belly button piercing. *shivers at the thought* I think all jewelry is beautiful though -- I LOVE to make all kinds -- I just have to enjoy the wearing part vicariously. I guess what I'm saying is, Thanks for providing the bling porn for the day! lol Your toes look pretty!!!
Thank you! I have a tendency to overaccesorize. I currently get into the shower with only five pieces of jewelry, that's down from nine so I may be working through my bling thing. The toe ring, I bought it four years ago and put it on. I took it off for a week or so several months later and felt slightly naked without it and put it back on. Been wearing it ever since.
Ed, do the oil big-wigs read this blog?
Yes, The oil biggies read this blog, as do my friends at the NSA.
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