The lure proved too hard to resist. I went to the arts festival. Primarily to eat a pita from the Hutch's catering booth. While I was enjoying the combination pita with chicken and beef, topped with grilled onions and peppers, and further enhanced with sour cream and jalapeno slices, I sat across the picnic table from two young ladies. They had purchased Indian tacos, mostly because the young man at the counter looked so hot in the fifty percent of a shirt he was wearing. They had hopes of getting his phone number but instead were experiencing sandwich envy over my far superior choice. I smiled and told them the pita was most excellent. And it was. I also had the pleasure of observing the partially shirted fellow in the "world famous" taco booth, he served me up a coke. I had no desire to secure his phone number, I just wanted a beverage to accompany my pita. And I'm certain I was having more fun than the girls with their so-so tacos and no phone number. After the pita, I became distracted by the many baubles and such that were displayed in abundance around me. I bought a cute little beaded bracelet. But the fab purchase turned out to be the batik dress at half price. Hmm. I saw a cute guy in half a shirt and then went on to pay half price for an artsy little dress. It was a good day at the park.
Very cute dress!
I bought a cool little bird bath there, but have since lost the bowl. I'm sure it was a Bushnell artist.
Those Hutches(sp?) people are good friends of Shawns. They are also friends of mine. I made a couple of log picnic table sets for Scott and have gotten free pitas ever since. They serve up some very good food. Have you ever gone by Presho and noticed the motel and restaurant named "Hutches" or whatever? The family name is McClanahan. Next time tell them you're a fan of ASO. See if you can eat all the free food they trhow at you.
I know! I saw ASO play at Hutch's for Cinco de Mayo two years ago. They opened up the restaurant after the bar closed and fed us all for free. We sat up in the lobby of the motel half the night after the show and had a great time. Scott recognized me at the Heritage fest last summer in RC when I stopped by for a pita. Hey! Maybe ASO should play there again some weekend this summer, I'd drive to Presho for it!!
Cool and cool idea. Make Shawn do it.
Ed, if only I had the power to make Shawn do anything. At all. Unfortunately, he is completely resistant to my charms. Playing Hutch's is a fabulous idea, you spring it on him and I'll back you up. Maybe you should spring it on Gary first and see what he thinks. I would show up with a full contingent of fans from this end of the state. Let's make this happen!!
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