The younger son has just appeared and informed me that due to his elder brother's cold, mother's day festivities will be slightly delayed. I'm assuming that this is because the elder possesses a driver's license and a car placing the younger at his mercy. That's just fine. I have had coffee, I have had chocolate. I ventured across the street in the forty degree morning and my flannel jammies to fetch the Sunday paper. It's May 11th!! Why are flannel pajamas still necessary?!?! I prefer MomDay rituals out on the deck in the sunshine accompanied by the scent of blooming lilacs. But it's cold, spring has been seriously delayed and the lilacs have barely begun to leaf out, much less bloom. And the deck, which is situated on the south side of the house in a very sheltered corner, is usually pleasant this time of year. Often almost too warm once noon has arrived. But today we are indoors and clad in flannel but at least the rain has stopped. The sky has cleared and the wind has gone down which means one thing. Moving the elder son into his first apartment will take place today! Yesterday was supposed to be moving day but Mother Nature was not cooperating, the rain was torrential and the wind was unrelenting. Moving furniture didn't seem a likely thing to do. Think I'll sit back, finish reading the paper, and contemplate whether I'd rather have an enormous muffin or a caramel roll the size of a dinner plate. I'm allowed this indulgence thanks to MomDay. When such a delicacy is offered with thanks and adoration and consumed with joy, the calories don't count. Only the love does.
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